As some of you know, NDOW has proposed a 95 day season this year, starting in mid-November and then ending the season in mid-February, rather than the traditional 120 season. Recall that NDOW has previously managed cats by assessing the harvest/tooth data every two years. The past two years have been excellent data, and this most recent years was some of the best I've seen. For example, the kitten/adult female ratio is 94 kittens for every 100 adult females. Generally its around 30/100. To put it another way, imagine that you look out on a hillside and see a herd of deer. Its late in the fall. There are 100 does and with them are 94 fawns that have survived the spring, summer and fall. Incredible, right? That's what the bobcat harvest looked like.
Here's another stat. This past year there were 149 adult males harvested for every 100 adult females. Again, take my deer example. Look out on that hillside and imagine there are 100 does . . . but what really grabs your attention is there are 149 bucks with them!!! If we had a 149/100 ratio for deer in this state, we wouldn't need a draw. You get the point.
So far, EVERY CAB that has heard this issue has seen the data and sided with trappers, voting for a 120 day season. However, this weekend we have the Commission meeting in Elko. We need to rally the troops. Write letters, attend the meeting, call the commissioner that represents your area, and tell them to vote for a 120 season.