First time for me to try cage traps. I've been building my own. Mostly because I have the tools and some free material. If I didnt have the freebies I would certainly just purchase the cages from mercer. Many hours go into building each cage.
Anybody else trying cages? The biggest reason im trying them is I wanted to trap areas that are legal to trap just they are frequented by bird hunters and/or folks just out walking their dogs. And I really dont want to open that can of worms.
So far my cages (3) have caught a kit fox and a raccoon.
This setup is at a 3 way intersection of trails. some cat sign and a bit of fox sign as well. behind the cage is a wall of salt cedar jungles for a good mile or so and then in front it slowly starts clearing up into prime rabbit and quail territory.
I really should have taken notes from Mercers demo at the rondy this summer. But right or wrong my setup is flagging at the back, dirt hole behind the pan under the trap, and loud skunky lure in the hole. In this trap I also have a turd 1/4 the way in. I have in one of my other traps some fake fur back in the corner for an attractor.
If anyone wants to point out something i've missed please point it out!